

Recruiting Conditions :
- Min. 400 WN8 .(If you doesn't have enough, we can talk about it.)
-At least 3K Fights played!
-47%< WR

And at least 2 tier 6, and 1 tier 8 tank in garage. :)

-If All Is OK , then we are vaiting for you :) 

-If You have problems,questions, or you doesnt have enough WN8, WR ect.., please contact me in Wot . marcipan11 (EU server). Maybe You Will be invited from our commander to a friendly 1v1 match, with the same tank, to see, what you do , and how you do.

If you pass the 1v1, you will be a new member of our great community :) 

About the 1v1 :

We will fight in the same vehicle. No base capping. No camping . don't be excited :) Won't be hard :) If you won't pass the rules, you will be kicked out of the match and your application will be dismissed.

If you doesn't pass, your application will be deleted. :(


marcipan11, 2017 ©
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